
Cold Brew City

As the summer heats up, our morning Java fix turns cold. Cold Brew coffee refers to the process of steeping coffee grounds in room temperature or cold water for an extended period. The process reduces the bitterness in coffee and the brew is usually served iced, a delightful treat on a steamy morning.   Mostra: The Kings of Cold Brew  On Saturday, June 25 at the Art Gallery at Bread and Salt, San Diego Coffee Network presented Cold Brew City 2016 – a tasting event featuring cold brews from SD cafes and roasters. Coffee enthusiasts voted to determine who has the best cold brew in the City. And what is coffee without Donuts? Nomad Donuts was in the house for the perfect sweet treat to accompany the cold brew. Dark Horse Coffee Roasters took coffee up a notch with cold brew ice cream floats! Congrats to Mostra for taking first in BOTH categories and to Swell for being runner up in the Signature category and Kettle Coffee & Tea for runner up in the original category. Cheers!

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